Setting up a district subscription is a bit different than a single Lab or Schoolwide subscription, since multiple schools are added. This means that in addition to the account owner, other district administrators can be added, as well as school-level administrators.
Follow the steps below to setup a district subscription, and email us at if you have any issues at all. We're here to help!
Step 1. Understanding your District Administrator Account
In addition to the Account Owner, the District Administrator account is the highest account level for a district. District Admins can invite other district administrators, as well as school-level administrator accounts, teachers, and students.
Adding Additional Administrators: If additional users need access to a District Administrator account, they can join using your “District Admin Join Code” (shown at the top of your dashboard). This code should be used when they Create their Account.
If someone who already has a Merge EDU account needs to be added as a District Administrator, they should instead sign into their Merge Dashboard, then tap the “District Admin Join” link at the bottom of the Dashboard. Then, they will enter their “District Admin Join Code” and tap “Join” to link up their account.
District Administrators have the ability to see and modify all schools, teachers, classes, and students connected to your district account, so should be limited to a select few.
Step 2. Add Your Schools
Next you will add each school in your district to your subscription.
Tap the “+ Add Schools” button to create a school. Then, simply type in the School Name and tap “Save”.
Tap on the “School Name” to open the school information page. This is where you will find the join code information, as well as the number of students, admins, and classes connected to that school.
Note: When you first create a School, those numbers will all be 0.
Step 3. Provide the School Admin Join Code to School Admins
School Administrator accounts are the highest account level for a school.
In comparison to a district administrator account, school administrators have the ability to see and modify all teachers, classes, and students connected to their particular school.
You can only be the School Administrator for 1 School - if someone needs access to multiple schools, add them as a District Administrator instead.
School administrators will use the “School Admin Join Code” when creating their account.
If someone who already has a Merge EDU account needs to be added as a School Administrator, they should instead log into their Merge Dashboard, then tap the “School Admin Join” link at the bottom of the Dashboard. Then, they will enter their “School Admin Join Code” and tap “Join” to link up their account.
Each school you created for your district will have a different code! Be sure the correct join codes are shared to avoid confusion.
Step 4. Provide the Teacher Join Codes to Teachers (unique per school)
Teacher accounts are only meant for teachers who will be teaching classes at their campus. If a teacher needs access to classes at multiple schools, they will need separate accounts for each school.
Teachers only have the ability to see and modify their own classes and students.
If you are an admin and plan to use the subscription with your students as well, you do not need a teacher account in addition to an administrator account - administrator accounts have access to everything teacher accounts have access to.
Teachers will use the “TeacherJoin Code” when Creating their Account. Each school you created for your district account will have a different teacher code.
If someone who already has a Merge EDU account needs to be added as a Teacher, they should instead log into their Merge Dashboard. Then, they will enter their “Teacher Join Code” and tap “Join” to link up their account.
Be sure to send the correct code to the teachers of a school to avoid confusion!
To learn more about Rostering on Merge EDU, read this help article.
Step 5. Navigating between Schools in the District Admin Account
Schools are meant to help keep things organized in the Merge Dashboard. In the “Schools” tab, you can click on the school you would like to manage, then tap the “More” dropdown in the School Information page to see the options to view the School Admins, Teachers, Students, and Classes for that School:
You can also swap schools from the School Admins, Teachers, Students, and Classes tabs by using the dropdown on those pages:
Read this help article for a full walkthrough of the Administrator Dashboard.
Now that you’ve set up your Merge EDU subscription, you’re ready to get started sharing Merge EDU with students!
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