Resetting a Student Password


Many students use a SSO or rostering tool like Google, Classlink, or Clever to sign into Merge EDU.

However, some schools prefer students to sign in with a username and password. This means that you may need to help at student reset their password if they have forgotten it.

Follow the directions in this help article if you need to reset a student password:

1. Sign into your teacher or administrator dashboard at

2. Select the "Students" from the left side menu

3. Search the student name in the search bar, then press enter. The student's name should pop up. If you have more than one school, be sure the correct school is selected in the "filter by school" section.

Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 2.38.21 PM.png

4. Tap the student's name, then tap the pink "Change Password" button. Enter a new password       then tap "Confirm".

Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 2.41.38 PM.png

5. Success! Your student password has been changed. They should be able to use the new password immediately to sign in to Merge EDU.

Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 2.43.12 PM.png


Does your school have access to a SSO tool? Here's a help article covering which tools Merge EDU is compatible with and how it works. This way, your students won't need to remember a password and you won't have to reset it again in the future! 

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