Getting Started - Sharing Content in Merge EDU

Getting Started - Sharing Content on Merge EDU


Sharing content is easy with the Share Options feature available on the Merge Dashboard! With Share Options, teachers can provide students with direct links or a QR code to specific topic cards, science simulations, collections, or objects, so lessons can start smoothly with all students engaging in the correct material for the lesson.

In this article we will go over the basics of Share Options, including where they are located on the Merge Dashboard, as well as how you can:

  • Share a topic card or individual science simulation
  • Share an object collection or single 3D object 
  • Share your own uploaded objects
  • Share your own custom collections
  • How to use Object or Collection Codes
  • How to use QR codes

Share a Topic Card or Individual Science Simulation


You can find the share options for a topic card by going to the Merge Dashboard and tapping “Merge Explorer”

From there, tap the topic card you would like to share with your class to access its details page, then tap “Share Options”

Tap “Copy Link” to get the direct link to share with your class - or simply print the QR Code for them to scan. You can find share options for specific simulations within the topic card by tapping on the corresponding thumbnail under “Activities” and following the same steps as above.

Share an Object Collection or Single 3D Object 


The share options for the digital teaching aid collections are also located on the Merge Dashboard. Simply tap “Object Viewer”, then tap the collection you would like to share with your class. 

Tap “Share Options”, then tap “Copy Link” to get the direct link to the launcher to share with your class. You could also print or project the QR Code for your students, or have them enter the Collection Code into the app directly. 

Share options are also available for individual objects within a collection - simply tap on the corresponding thumbnail under “Objects” and follow the same steps as above.

Share Your Own Uploaded Objects


You can also share 3D objects you have uploaded and created. Just go to “My Stuff” on the Merge Dashboard and tap on the thumbnail for the object you would like to share. Tap “Share Options'', then tap “Copy Link” to get the direct link to share with your class. You can also print the QR code, or have your students enter the Object Code into the app directly.

Share Your Own Custom Collections


Once you’ve created your own custom teaching aid collection, share it with your class using the share options. To access these options, go to “My Stuff” on the Merge Dashboard, then tap on “Collections” at the top of the page to swap to your collections. 

Tap the thumbnail corresponding with the collection you would like to share, then tap “Share Options”. From there you can tap “Copy Link” to get the direct link to share with your class, print the QR code for them to scan, or enter the Collection Code into the app directly.

How to use Object or Collection Codes

To enter the Object or Collection code in the Object Viewer app, launch the app, then open the navigation menu by tapping the three horizontal lines at the top-left corner of the screen. Tap “Code Search” then enter the six character object or collection code and tap “Return.” Tap the object thumbnail or “Play” icon, and the object will load on your device. Now it’s ready to be viewed on the Merge Cube!

How to use QR codes

To use the QR Codes found on the Merge Dashboard, students simply need to open the camera app on their device, point it at the code, then tap on the link that pops up. The code can be scanned over Zoom or other virtual learning tool, from a smartboard or overhead projector, or students can scan a printed version of the QR code. 

Now that you’ve learned how to share topic cards, individual AR activities, collections of digital teaching aids and individual 3D objects using the Merge EDU Platform, it’s time to begin teaching with Merge! Check out the following articles so you can get started utilizing Merge EDU with your students right away.

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