Rostering with a CSV File
It’s possible to roster student and teacher accounts in Merge EDU even if your school doesn’t use a rostering application like Classlink or Clever. To do this, you’ll need a OneRoster 1.1 formatted CSV file.
Note: Rostering is NOT AVAILABLE for Merge EDU free trials
Follow the steps below to begin rostering with a OneRoster 1.1 formatted CSV file
Step 1. Prepare your CSV File
To import your classes, students, and teachers into Merge EDU, you must
follow the IMS Global OneRoster Standard v1.1 standard, developed by IMS Global. The
standard addresses the exchange of student data (about people, courses, enrollments and
grades) between different educational systems.
Follow the directions in this document to accurately prepare your CSV File.
Step 2. Sign in to your Admin account on the Merge Dashboard
Be sure you join your school/district Merge EDU subscription as an administrator. You will need admin access in order to roster. If you need help with this step contact the Merge EDU Subscription Owner for your campus or district, or email Sign in to the Merge Dashboard ( using a username and password, or a SSO tool.
Step 2. Use the Roster page
Select "Roster" from the left side menu, then select “Browse” to find your file (it should be in one ZIP file). After your file is uploaded, select “Upload.” You should only check the "Re-import" box after the initial upload, such as if new students, teachers, or classes are added.
Step 3. Once rostering is complete, have teachers and students sign in
Everything should now be ready for teachers and students to sign in! They should go to the Merge Dashboard or apps, then tap their corresponding SSO tool to sign in. This step will activate their account and sign them in.
Check out this help article on how to sign-in to the Merge Dashboard and Apps.
If you encounter any issues or errors while using the Rostering in Merge EDU, please let us know right away! You can contact us at