Rostering with Clever


Rostering is taking information from one system - such as Clever - transforming that data, and then pushing it to another system - in this case the Merge EDU Platform. Rostering defines student, teacher, and classroom data and the relationship among each, and then converts that data into rosters that are used by the third-party applications.

Note: Rostering is NOT AVAILABLE for Merge EDU free trials 

Follow the steps below to begin rostering in Merge EDU:

Step 1. Setup Sharing Rules in Clever

Sign in to your Clever account, add the Merge EDU app and the Merge EDU SSO app, then set up your sharing rules. 

If you are only sharing data for a specific campus vs a district, be sure to ONLY send over the data from that campus. 

Please email if you need help with setting up your sharing rules in your Clever.

Step 2. Sign in to your Admin Account on the Merge Dashboard using Clever

Be sure you join your Merge EDU subscription as an administrator. You will need admin access in order to roster. If you need help with this step contact the Merge EDU subscription owner for your campus or district, or email

Be sure to sign into the Merge Dashboard using Clever (not a username/password). Check out this help article to learn more about Single Sign On tools.

Step 3. Use the "Roster" page on the Merge Dashboard

Select "Roster" from the left side menu, then select "Import" and allow time for the roster import to complete. It may only take a few minutes to several hours, depending on how much data you are sending over. Do not close the tab until it completes, but feel free to work in another tab or window.

Note: Roster data with Clever automatically updates every week. Only check the "re-import" box if you are importing an updated roster between automatic updates.

Step 4. Have teachers and students sign in using Clever once rostering is complete

Everything should now be ready for teachers and students to sign in! They should go to the Merge Dashboard or apps, then tap Clever to sign in. This step will activate their account and sign them in.



Check out this help article on how to sign-in to the Merge Dashboard and Apps.

If you encounter any issues or errors while using Clever Rostering in Merge EDU, please let us know right away! You can contact us at

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