Streaming Live AR with Zoom (iOS)

Streaming Live AR with Zoom
for iOS Devices


Now that you’ve finished learning how to share Topic Cards and Collections with your students, it is time to get started teaching science and STEM with digital, hands-on teaching aids and interactive simulations remotely.

In this article, we’ll show you how to share the screen of your iOS device to stream a live lesson using Merge EDU Apps over Zoom.

When you’re ready to start streaming, just follow these steps:

Step 1: Start a Zoom Meeting

  1. Login to Zoom to start a Meeting. If you are new to using Zoom, be sure to take a look through their video tutorials. You can even sign up for live training and webinars here.

Step 2: Share your iOS device screen

Option A. Using the charging cable:

You can connect your iOS device directly to your computer via a charging cable.

  1. Connect your iOS charging cable to the USB drive of your computer while your device is plugged in.

  2. Tap “Share Screen” in the Zoom window, then select “iPhone/iPad via Cable”. Then, tap “Share”.

  3. A pop-up should appear on your iPhone or iPad. Select "Trust".

  4. You should see your iPhone/iPad screen pop up with a green border - you are now sharing your device’s screen! Open the Merge apps on your device to start live streaming our AR content live!

Option B. Host the meeting from your iOS device:

A simple way to share your iOS device’s screen is to be the Host of the Zoom meeting on your iOS device. 

You can sign into Zoom and launch the meeting from your iOS device. You can also join the meeting with your device and transfer the Host permissions over from your computer to your iPhone or iPad by going to “Participants”, selecting the “More” option beside your device’s name, then “Make Host”. Confirm the change by tapping “Change Host”.

Once your iOS device is the Host of the Zoom meeting, follow these instructions:

  1. Tap “Share Screen” at the top of the Zoom app on your device. Then, tap “Screen”.

  2. Under “Screen Recording”, select “Zoom” from the available options. If you want sound, make sure your microphone is on.

  3. Tap “Start Broadcast” to begin streaming.

  4. You should see a red “record” icon at the top of your iPhone/iPad screen - you are now sharing your device’s screen! Open the Merge apps on your device to start streaming AR content to your classroom.

Step 3: Teach a Lesson Remotely

Sharing Merge EDU with your students during a remote lesson will help make your lessons more visually exciting, help your students learn complex concepts, and keep them engaged in learning science and STEM from home! 

Click here for more information on how you can start teaching science remotely with Merge.


Now that you’ve learned how to stream augmented reality presentations with Zoom, you can begin using Merge Activity Plans and STEM Projects with your students for remote learning!  

Check out the articles on Activity Plans here, and STEM Projects here.

Click here to learn more about how to teach science with Merge EDU.

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