Streaming Live AR with Google Meet (iOS)

Streaming Live AR with Google Meet
for iOS Devices


Now that you’ve finished learning how to share Topic Cards and Collections with your students, it is time to get started teaching science and STEM with digital, hands-on teaching aids and interactive simulations remotely.

In this article, we’ll show you how to share the screen of your iOS device to stream a live lesson using Merge EDU Apps over Google Meet.

When you’re ready to start streaming, just follow these steps...

Step 1: Start a Google Meeting

  1. With Google Meet, you can start class video meetings in Classroom, Meet, Google Calendar, and Gmail on your computer or mobile device. To learn more about starting Google Meetings with your students, read through the Google Help Docs Here.

Step 2: Share your iOS device screen

Option A. Through Joining the Meet:

If you join the Google Meet using your iOS device directly, you need to be signed into your Google/Gmail account.

  1. Join the Meet with your iOS device using the Calendar invite or direct conference link.

  2. Tap “Share Screen”, then “Continue”. A pop-up window will appear that says “Screen Broadcast”.

  3. Tap “Start Broadcast” to begin sharing your screen.

  4. You should see a red band across the top of your iPhone/iPad screen - you are now sharing your device’s screen. Open the Merge EDU apps on your device to start sharing science simulations and hands-on digital teaching aids!

Option B. Using QuickTime Player:

If you would like to plug your iOS device into your computer to stream, you will first need to make sure your computer has QuickTime Player installed. Once you’ve verified that, follow these instructions:

  1. Connect your iOS charging cable to the USB drive of your computer while your device is plugged in.

  2. Then, open up QuickTime Player. With QuickTime Player open, tap “File”, then “New Movie Recording”. This should automatically open a small web-cam screen.

  3. Hover over the screen, then tap the arrow next to the “Record” icon to open the options. Then, select your iPhone or iPad to begin to show your screen in that window.

  4. Now, go back to your Google Meet and tap “Present Now” and “A window”. Then, select the QuickTime Player window and tap “Share” to begin streaming.

Step 3: Teach a Lesson Remotely

Sharing Merge EDU with your students during a remote lesson will help make your lessons more visually exciting, help your students learn complex concepts, and keep them engaged in learning science and STEM from home! 

Click here for more information on how you can start teaching science remotely with Merge.


Now that you’ve learned how to stream augmented reality presentations with Google Meet, you can begin using Merge Activity Plans and STEM Projects with your students for remote and hybrid learning!  

Check out the articles on Activity Plans here, and STEM Projects here.

Click here to learn more about how to teach science with Merge EDU.

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